Computer Lab

List of Equipments in COMPUTER LABS for B.TECH (CS)
1. Number of Desktop PCs with configuration
of Core i-7 CPU, 4GB RAM, 500GB/1TB
HDD, DVD Writer, KB, Mouse, LCD/LED
120 HP Compaq brand
2. Computer - Student Ratio 1:1
3. Dedicated Computing Facilities with UPS 04 computer labs
4. Wi-Max 35 Pro ST
5. Wi-Fi 150 Antenna
6. Campus –LAN Campus Network on 10km OFC backbone
spanning 50buildings and more to be
7. Proprietary Software Oracle 11i(Limited 40 Users),
Visual Stdio2012(Limited 40 Users),
MS- office (Limited 40 Users),
IBM Rational Rose Enterprise Edition,
Borland C++.(Embarcadero RAD studio
Microsoft Window 7 OS(Built in System),
Adobe Suite (Photoshop, PageMaker,
Dreamweaver, Acrobat Professional)
Corel Draw suite.
9. Servers 10 (IBM,HP, Dell etc)
10. Networking Lab Cisco Lab
11. Internet Connection through National 1Gbps (1:1) dedicated
Knowledge Network(NKN)
12. Kaspersky Antivirus 400 users
13. Internet Facility at Computer Centre 120 nodes
14. Number of Nodes/Computers With Internet
Facility at University Campus
04 computer labs
15. 24x7 support services to Wired/Wi-Fi
Internet Connection
Campus LAN and Wi-Fi
16. UPS dedicated server room with Generator
backup (24x7 working)
17. AC's for computing facilities 15(each AC is two ton capacity)
18. Printers 05 HP Laser Jet P1108