

  • Iodine solution (250ml)
  • Litmus paper
  • Sodium chloride
  • Sulphur  powder
  • Carbon disulphide
  • Hydrochloric acid conc.
  • Sulphuric acid  conc.
  • Copper sulphate
  • Zinc metal
  • Barium chloride
  • Sodium sulphate
  • Acetic acid glacial
  • Sodium carbonate
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Calcium oxide
  • Ferrous sulphate
  • Potassium dichromate
  • Potassium hydroxide
  • Chlorine water
  • Ammonium chloride
  • Acetone
  • Nitric acid
  • Nessler’s reagent
  • Sodium nitroprosside
  • oxalic acid
  • Penol carbolic
  • Sodium thiosulphate
  • Ammonium sulphate
  • Ammonium ferrous
  • Ammonium oxalate, monohydrate, purified
  • Ammonium carbonate
  • Aluminum sulphate
  • Arsenic sulphate
  • Barium nitrate
  • Cadmium chloride
  • Cobaltous sulphate
  • Calcium sulphate
  • Cobalt nitrate
  • Cobalt chloride
  • Dinethylglyonine
  • Ferric chloride
  • Ferrous sulphate fused
  • Lead chloride
  • Iodine sol.
  • Magnanesium chloride detra hydride extra puse
  • Magnese dioxide manganese(IV) oxide
  • Magnesium sulphate
  • Methyl orange solution
  • Nickel sulphate hexahydrate
  • Strontium chloride
  • Sulphur resublimed
  • Sodium chloride
  • Sodium nitrite extra pure
  • Copper flakes
  • Silver nitrate
  • Lead nitrate
  • Potassium permagnate
  • Potassium iodine
  • Oxalic a dihydrates
  • Bromine water
  • Starch solution
  • Ammonia solution
  • Phenol
  • Benedict reagent
  • Zinc nitrate hexahydrate
  • Acetone
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Litmus red solution
  • Litmus blue solution
  • Ethanol



  • Beaker -250 ml borosilicate glass
  • Beaker -500 ml borosilicate glass
  • Beaker -100 ml borosilicate glass
  • Beaker -1000 ml borosilicate glass
  • Conical flask 100 ml borosilicate glass
  • Funnel glass -3’’ dia superior
  • Test tube (borosil glass ) 5’’x 5/8’’
  • Boiling test tube
  • Test tube holder superior
  • Dropper glass
  • Tripod stand – metal
  • Wire gauge
  • Burette- borosil glass with stop cork
  • Pipette 20 ml borosilicate glass
  • Burette stand – heavy plastic large size with clamp superior
  • China dish – 3’’ dia
  • Rubber cork
  • Chemical balance ( modern) with case superior
  • Fraction weight box with rider analytical
  • Perti dish (poly lab)
  • Dropping bottle 60 ml (poly lab)
  • Test tube brushes- nylon
  • Spirit lamp S.S.Superior
  • Glass rod
  • Measuring cylinder- 100 ml borosilicate glass
  • Measuring cylinder- 500 ml borosilicate glass
  • Measuring cylinder- 50 ml borosilicate glass
  • Measuring cylinder- 10 ml borosilicate glass
  • Thermometer- standard quality110 0 c
  • Mortar and pestle- porcelain
  • Volumetric flask-250 ml
  • Volumetric flask-100 ml
  • Test tube stand
  • Wash bottle
  • Kipps apparatus
  • Watch glass


  • Ammeter (OSCAR) DC with stand range
  • Voltmeter (OSCAR) DC with stand range
  • Ammeter (OSCAR/ JAYCO) with stand DC
  • Voltmeter (OSCAR/ JAYCO) with stand DC
  • Galvanometer (OSCAR) DC with stand range
  • Vernier caliper with wheel 
  • Screw gauge-15 mm accurate
  • Spherometer- Brass superior
  • Glass prism -  clear glass 2” equilator
  • Glass slab – English glass 3”X 2”X3/4”
  • Bar magnet – 2” strong “Alinco”
  • Magnetic compass both sides glass
  • Magnetic compass big­­- 2” dia
  • Convex lens –2” Dia O.T.
  • Concave lens –2” Dia O.T.
  • Convex mirror –2” Dia O.T.
  • Concave mirror –2” Dia O.T.
  • Pendulam bob – brass medium size
  • Stop clock –smile type metal body
  • Physical balance (modern)
  • Physical weight box –brass
  • Drawing pins
  • Drawing board – soft wood superior
  • Plain mirror
  • Thermometer standard quality 1000 C
  • Wall Thermometer accurate
  • Working model of  wind mill
  • Working model of dynamo
  • Working model of electric bell
  • Working model of Newton’s color disc
  • Working model of Periscope
  • Weighing Machine
  • Weight set – different size
  • Weight box
  • Plastic 3D charts
  • Meter scale 1 meter
  • Meter scale 1/2 meter
  • Spring balance – new type 500g superior 
  • Hook’s Law apparatus- big size complete
  • Bar magnet
  • Magnetic compass – both side glass 
  • Magnifying lens -3” Dia superior metal frame   
  • Eureka wire
  • Nicrome wire
  • Battery eliminator – 2v to 12 v   
  • Rheostat
  • Plug key – one way  
  • Plug key – two way
  • Resistance coil –2 ohm  
  • Resistance coil –5 ohm  
  • Resistance coil –10 ohm  
  • Friction apparatus
  • Over flow vessel 
  • Weight set – brass
  • Wet and dry bulb thermometer
  • Dry cell 2 volt
  • Optical bench 
  • Retort stand
  • Iron stand with clamp
  • Thread roll
  • Weight box
  • Sonometer
  • Meter bridge
  • Potentiometer
  • Zener diode
  • P – n junction diode 
  • P – n – p  and n –p – n  transistor
  • Resistance box 50 ohm
  • Resistance box 1000 ohm
  • Newton’s cooling law apparatus
  • Horse shoe magnet
  • Resonance apparatus
  • Concave lens – 1” Dia O.T.
  • Resistance coil – 1 ohm



  • Permanent Slides
  • Slide box
  • Human Skeleton
  • model of heart -fibre glass
  • Human Physiology charts
  • Specimen in glass jar
  • forcep pointed
  • forcep blunt1
  • biological needle
  • test tube brushes nylon
  • Ganongs Respirometer-complete borosil glass
  • Plastic 3D Charts
  • cover slip pack of 50
  • Dissection Box
  • Compound Microscope
  • Permanent Slide-Mitosis and Meiosis
  • Monocot Root
  • Dicot Root
  • Glycerine
  • Petri Dish
  • Measuring  Cylinder 500 ml,1000ml
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Filter Paper
  • Spirit
  • Iodine Solution
  • Spirit Lamp
  • Watch Glass
  • Model of Digestive System
  • Electronic Weighing Machine
  • Stop Clock
  • Alcohol
  • Acetocarmine
  • Safranine
  • Glycerol
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Sulphuric Acid
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Test Tube Stands
  • Test Tubes
  • Boiling Test tube
  • china dish
  • Red Litmus Paper
  • Blue Litmus Paper
  • PH Paper
  • Funnel big
  • Funnel Small
  • Beakers 1000 ml
  • Beakers 500 ml plastic
  • Beakers 500 ml glass
  • Beakers 250 ml
  • Beakers 100 ml
  • Filter Paper
  • Waterman Filter Paper