Rules of School

Rules & Discipline


    1. Irregular attendance at school, habitual laziness, disobedience,  objectionable  moral  influence  and intentional  discourtesy  or disrespect  to  teachers, are   each  sufficient  cause for  dismissal .

    2. Any  student who is found to have done  damage of  any kind  in the  class room or  anywhere  in the premise  of the  school has to  make  good the  damage done .

    3. All should be particularly careful to avoid throwing remnants of food, papers etc.  anywhere in the school premises expect  in the  bins  provided  for the  purpose.

    4. No  fines of any kind  or collection  for any  purpose  whatsoever or sale  may be made without the Principal’s  prior  permission.

    5. No cell phones, unwanted books, newspapers  , or periodicals may   be brought  to the  school  premises without  the  principal’s permission. Students found with  immoral books ,  pictures or CD’s/Pen drives in their  possession or seen lending  them  to others are liable to be  expelled from the school.

    6. Students are responsible for safety of their books and other belongings. Wearing jewellery is strictly forbidden. Parents are advised not to give their children valuable articles like expensive watches or fountain pens. The school will not be responsible for the goods lost by students.

    7. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building  is not   allowed .

    8. When   students   moving along corridors   or  up   and   down   the   stairs, when changing  classes they  walk  in silence  and  the  rule  is ‘keep left’.

    9. Students  with   health problems  during  the   school hours , can   avail  the  facilities  of the  sick  room  roll only with the written  permission  of either  of the  Principal   or  class teacher.

    10. Students having infectious/contagious diseases, fever, vomiting, dysentery and lice must not be sent to the school as their presence is harmful for other students. Such students, if they come to the school, would be sent back to their homes.

    11. Tiffin boxes and other eating material if any, should be sent with children only. As a security measure we do not accept such items directly during school hours.

    12. Because of their young age, we try to hand over Pre Primary students to their respective transport personnel or the persons normally coming to pick them up. In case, a new person comes to pick up a student, he should be duly authorized by parents. Parents should make arrangements to pick their wards at the earliest possible if any of the buses/vans does not turn up.

    13. Parents are advised to check the school bags of children on daily basis to ensure that they bring books/notebooks strictly as per time table only. This would reduce unnecessary burden on the children.

    14. Only mother, father or legal guardian of the students may meet the School Management/teachers on Parent Teachers Meetings or on any other prescribed days/hours for noting the progress of their wards.

    15. Pupil must attend physical education, games and other activities outside school hours when required to do so.  Participation on such  occasions will be  deemed  compulsory by the  school authorities , since  games  and  athletics  play  an important  part in the  student’s  all round education.  They   will be excused from participation  only   on a previous  written  recommendation  of a medical  officer.

    16. No  late arrival   to  school may be   admitted  to  class without  the  principal’s  signature on the Record of late arrival in the school  diary . The teachers will also sign  the same.

    17. School starts with   an assembly after which  the  students  walk  in silence to their  class rooms. Before   the  commencement   of the  first  period  lesson,  students  recite the Prayer  before  study .  When  the  last period  is over , the  students  recite  together the Prayer  after  class. 

    18. No  pupil  may  leave  the school premises  during school hours  ( recess time  included ) without  the  written  permission  from  the Principal .

         19. The  school  is not  responsible  for  any unlocked  vehicles or cycles. Learning license

              and helmet compulsory for students who wish to use two wheelers.

         20. Every  student must possess  a copy of the  School Diary  and  must   bring it to  the 

               class on all  school days.